E Pule Kākou No Lāhainā

The Republican Caucus recently visited Lahaina to hear and assess first hand the situation and how the community is doing. They visited with relief teams, residents who have lost everything, business owner who are trying to rebuild as well as a school that is operating from within another school. Check out the video above to see what they uncovered.

Given the horrific events that have recently transpired in Lahaina, Kula and other communities in Maui, the House Republican Caucus would like to collaborate with the The House Democrat Caucus and its members to provide aid to all the residents affected by this catastrophic event.

The most recent numbers from Maui are staggering. The images from that fateful day and the subsequent aftermath are nightmarish. Unfortunately, it’s a nightmare that continues for the survivors. In addition to addressing the immediate needs of the victims and their families, it's essential to prioritize long-term solutions for disaster prevention, preparedness, and response.  

The State House of Representatives needs to do everything in its power to provide relief to the victims and their families, ensure transparency in the investigation of the events leading to and surrounding the wildfires and then - once the facts are clear - demand accountability.  

To that end, we plan to implement the following actions to support the residents in Maui including: creating a bipartisan special investigative committee in due course to examine the facts of the case; hold legislative information briefings; and draft legislation from the results of the investigative committee to be introduced at the start of session or in a special session if possible.  

We must take every step possible to ensure something like this never happens again on Maui – or anywhere in this state. The Republican House Caucus is ready to work with to provide swift relief to the residents in Maui.